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Page 14

  He turned to fight David. The two vampires soared into the sky. They punched, snarled, and bit each other. They wrestled and threw each other higher and harder each time. A storm blew up. The rain whipped around them. They were oblivious to nature's fury.

  Then David felt a familiar yet indefinable presence. He turned. Lightning bounced around the clouds. David raced to the ground with the vampire on his tail. A hand closed on his neck, violently squeezing as if to pop off his head, then slammed him into the ground. Rolling rapidly on his back, David looked up. The face of death leered back. A splinted wood and metal road post poised at David's heart. The vampire grinned. He raised his oversized spear and plunged it down. Lightning struck, first the spear, then down the arm of the vampire. The air around them crackled. In that second, David broke free. The other vampire exploded into ashes.

  "Help," screeched Donovan, the branches cracking beneath him.

  David caught him as he fell. "Let's get out of here."

  "Fine by me."


  David lifted the car back onto the road. All the glass had shattered and the car body was heavily dented, but they climbed in anyway.

  "It's a good thing I took the insurance," laughed David.

  Donovan insisted he felt well enough to drive, and David didn't argue. In an hour more they would reach the Keys. David sat quietly. His head ached, and he hoped that the vampire was hunting alone and not part of a clan. His wounds started to heal, except for one sharp pain. His heart was still broken. They had to reach Laura in time.

  "So vampires can be killed by lightning?"

  "Actually, no. Storms don't touch us. Lightning moves around us. I don't know why the lightning struck as it did. It destroyed him, and that shouldn't have happened."

  Donovan offered, "Perhaps you were being protected by a friendly Telkhine."

  "You mean Laura?"

  "Yes. My Juliette was especially gifted at manipulating lightning. Does Laura have that gift too?"

  "I don't know." David thought quietly for several minutes. Mama Joe said it would take the two of them working together to save Laura. He was beginning to see why. Donovan knew things, and it occurred to David that Brilla was expecting him, but Donovan would be a surprise. "So you think Laura sent that bolt even though she's imprisoned by Brilla?"

  "You use your dreams to communicate with her, so why can't she send you a bolt of lightning?"

  What Donovan said was probably true. The rain melted away in the grayness before dawn. The air smelled fresh like new life beginning. The Florida Keys stretched out before them. A hotel room waited in Key Largo, but the sun would reach it first.


  David pulled on his coat until he was covered completely, as sunlight began its reach like fingers across the sea and sand. He napped on his side facing west, until they arrived.


  "Excellent night's work," said Brilla, as Laura touched down in the sand. "You're getting quite expert with the storm and the lightning. I had no idea, you'd be so like your mother in that respect."

  Laura had other things on her mind. "Brilla, why am I wearing a wedding ring?"

  "You were married once."

  "What happened to my husband?"

  "He died. That's why you came back to New Orleans. Don't you remember?"

  Laura shook her head and headed down the beach as far as she could go before hitting the barrier. Every part of her ached. Why couldn't she remember?

  When she turned, Brilla was gone. Adam walked down the beach in her direction. Near the tidal line was a washed up log. Laura sat on it gazing out at the sea and sky. The moon fell below the horizon. In a little while, she'd go inside and dream again. She'd find the answers in her dreams.

  "Hi." Adam sat on the log beside her. Power emanated from him, pulling her closer. She closed her eyes, and an image filled her inner vision. He was smiling at her.

  Laura's eyes snapped open. "Damn."

  "What's wrong?"

  "Nothing." She stood up and started walking.

  "You're in a bad mood tonight. What's wrong?"

  She stopped. "Don't go into my mind, okay?"


  "I'm sorry. I didn't mean to intrude. I meant to cheer you up." He reached out and touched her shoulder. Instantly, she felt a wave of calm go through her. If she'd let him, he could do wonderful things for her. He was caring and kind. Still something nagged at her. She felt an unseen kiss against her lips, and it wasn't his.

  She started walking again, and he hurried after her.

  "Laura, please, it's as if you're running away from something."

  "I am." She dissolved into tears.

  He held her. The surf washed up and danced around their feet, as she cried.

  After awhile, Laura wiped her face and sat in the sand. He sat beside her, his arm still around her.

  "Thank you. I didn't expect to lose it like that."

  His fingers caressed her hair. "That's all right." He kissed the side of her face.

  "Hey, I've brought you something." He handed her an exquisite bracelet of gold beads and cowry shells.

  Laura knew that in some magic societies the cowry shell was using in fertility rites and was given by a man to a woman to express his desire for her. She handed it back. "I can't accept this. I'm sorry." She sighed, knowing what she was about to say made no sense at all. "Adam, I'm in love with my husband."

  "Brilla told me your husband was dead."

  "I know, but I can't help the way I feel." Laura's fangs were on edge with him so close. His effect on her in so many ways thundered through her.

  I can soothe your pain, beloved.

  She gasped hearing him inside her head.

  "Brilla said you can't accept his death."


  Laura got up, but he caught her by the arm and swung her around to face him.

  His hand gently lifted her face to his. "Why are you afraid of me? We are the same."

  Anger laughed through her. "You are not a vampire."

  "Is that what it is?" He tilted his head for her, baring his neck. "I would gladly give up my life for you. Make me a vampire and we'll have eternity together. I would do that for you, Laura. I love you." He didn't move to touch her in any other way. The air around them stilled.

  "How can you say that? We barely know each other."

  "I know how I feel." His hand caressed her back. He kissed her neck.

  "No," she whispered. "I can't do that. And I know how I feel." Her breath exhaled in short ragged gasps, as if speaking hurt. "I don't want to hurt you, Adam.

  You're a sweet man who deserves someone that truly loves you. It's not me."

  "But I love you."

  Laura shook her head. "Please, just leave and don't come back."

  "I love you. Someday you'll realize how much." Fiery passion smoldered from his eyes in that last glance piercing her heart. She could feel his want in her lower extremities. Then he left without another word. Again he crossed the invisible wall, which she could not.

  Torn by conflicting emotions, Laura's head ached. At the same time his desire burnt her raw inside, the scent of his humanity was driving her blood thirst. Her need for blood was desperate. A moment longer and she would have attacked him probably killing him. She closed her eyes against the tears that owned her heart. If he returned she would have to choose between the drugged blood offered by Brilla or his. Laura 163

  fought the hunger wanting its way. Soon it would drive her actions, and she'd lose control.

  The sky lightened, and Laura rushed into the house. Brilla sat in the kitchen waiting with a glass of blood.

  "Aren't you hungry?" she asked, as Laura passed her on the way to bed.

  "I've had my fill." Laura shut the door. She could hear Brilla laughing. She knew that Brilla assumed she'd bitten Adam.

  Laura could feel the sun rising outside. She lay across the bed and closed her eyes against the agony. Her thoughts clung desperately to her dreams. As the hung
er increased, her memory improved but not enough. Who was the man in her dreams?

  The one with the fangs? Even now she could feel him coming closer.


  Chapter 15

  When they arrived at their hotel in Key Largo, David emerged from the car covered from head to toe in the hooded, black coat and wearing dark gloves. The valet carrying their new cooler stared, but David didn't care. In his over hundred years as an immortal, he'd been stared at a lot by humanity. Donovan carried the other coat draped over his arm. They were shown to their two-bedroom suite with a veranda overlooking the sea. Donovan tipped the valet, and as soon as he left rushed around the suite closing drapes. David disappeared into the second bedroom. When he emerged, the suite was cool and dark just the way he liked it.

  "I need some help with a problem." David took off the coat.

  "Sure, man."

  David turned around and a wooden spike was sticking out four inches from his back. It was on his right side.

  "Oh, God. You need a doctor."

  "No. All I need is for you to pull it out."

  Donovan rubbed his head. "Are you sure?"

  "Yes. Just get a good grip and pull."

  "Um. At least, let’s move this into the bathroom. There could be a lot of blood."


  David took a kitchen chair and placed it in the tub. Then he sat sideways in the chair and slumped forward. The stake was more an ache than a pain but definitely a nuisance.

  Donovan grabbed the wooden spike and with all his strength pulled. It was hard going but finally came out.

  The wound bled, and Donovan pressed a towel against it. "Why didn't you say something?"

  "We needed to get away as quickly as possible in case the vampire's clan was anywhere around. You can remove the towel now."

  Donovan was amazed to see the wound completely healed. Not even a scar remained. He washed his hands. "When did this happen?"

  "Before I hit the ground, he stabbed me. He was going to finish me when the lightning struck him." David took off his blood soaked shirt, hand washed it, and hung it over the shower curtain rail. "Fortunately, he had just released his hold on me, or I would have been toast too."

  Donovan went to the cooler in the kitchen and came back with a glass of blood.

  David took it and drank it down. He went into the kitchen for two more before finally sitting in the living room.

  Donovan asked, "Aren't you going to sleep?"

  "No, I'm too wired."

  "Yeah, I can understand that." He sighed. Donovan sat in one of the chairs. He took the remote and turned on the TV. They watched the weather together. It was sunny with afternoon showers. A hurricane brewed in the Gulf and projections showed 166

  it heading for the Keys. Businesses were already shutting down and some people were evacuating on a voluntary basis.

  During a commercial for pest removal, Donovan said, "Thanks, man."

  David knew what he meant. "No problem. Thanks for pulling out the stake."

  "Luckily, that vampire was stupid and stabbed you on the wrong side."

  The two men looked at each other and laughed.

  "I think I'll go to bed. See you later." David went into the second bedroom. He wanted his mind to be clear and sharp for the confrontation with Brilla. Lying down, he closed his eyes to focus on Laura. He could feel her near. He could almost smell the flowers in her hair.

  In his dream, it was night. It was always night. He flew over the Keys to a house on the Gulf. On the sandy beach behind it, the mambo mixed a vile smelling concoction in a huge pot over a fire. A few feet away a bonfire roared into the sky, and walking down the beach with her feet in the surf was Laura. Her blonde hair shimmered in the firelight.

  She walked as far as Brilla's magic permitted then stopped. David stood beside her. She turned but couldn't see him.

  Laura gazed out at the dark water and unexpectedly spoke, "I know you're here with me. I can feel you."

  Getting closer to her, he could see the ravages her deprivation had taken on her body. Her beautiful eyes had sunken into dark hollows. Her fingers were bone-like, and her ribs showed through her dress. David stood as close as he dared. "I love you, Laura."

  She immediately turned in his direction then back to the water again.


  "Brilla might be watching. You must leave. If she finds you here, she'll kill you."

  Laura's voice started to break. Of all the things she wanted most, she did not want him to leave. He heard her silent whispers to his heart. "And you cannot die, because I live with the hope of you."

  He kissed her. When they parted, Laura put her hand to her mouth.

  "Are you my husband?"

  David smiled even though she couldn't see it. "I am."

  "Brilla said you were dead."

  "No." He chuckled. "I believe that's wishful thinking on Brilla's part. I'm undead, a vampire."

  She smiled. Her heart pounded wildly with unbridled joy. Then she spotted Brilla heading down the beach toward them. "She's coming. Quick, come with me," she whispered to David. "I'm going to the storm now, Brilla," she called out before flying straight up. He went with her.

  They reached an altitude, where the world was far below.

  "Are you still with me?"


  "Please, hold me."

  David took her into his arms.

  Laura laughed. "Oh, yes." She closed her eyes in delight. He felt so warm.

  Nothing could be wrong when he held her. He felt so strong.

  "You are too thin, my darling. You must eat."


  "I can't. Brilla's drugging the blood." She paused, trembling. "It makes me forget. I have already forgotten too much." Her eyes welled up with tears, as she confessed, "I have forgotten your name."

  "I am David Hilliard. Don't cry, Laura. I'll help you get those memories back."

  Laura could feel the disturbance in the air calling her. "Give me your hand."

  He placed his hand in hers. She still couldn't see him. They flew swiftly toward a churning mass of clouds. Water howled like a train on top of them.

  Then they plunged into it until they were in its silent core. Laura turned to David, her eyes widened, her smile broadened. "David, I can see you." She kissed him.

  Then her fingers caressed his fangs. David breathed heavily. "Laura, you're starting something." She stopped his mouth with a kiss.

  His tongue teased her lips apart and stroked her fangs.

  She moaned, her hands pulling at his clothes. "Make love to me."

  "What? Here?"

  "I can't think of a more private place."

  David smiled and took his wife gently to him. He tossed their clothes into the wind. Laura laughed. All he wanted was her, the feel of her, the scent of her. She accepted his every touch, yearning for him, needing him. All she wanted was him, and they joined with the ferocity of the storm.

  When Laura cried out, he asked, "Am I hurting you?"

  "No. I'm just afraid I'll never see you again."

  "We won't let that happen." He stroked her back, pushing against her. "This is a dream but soon it won't be. Soon we'll be together." His mouth covered hers.



  Laura awoke with Brilla tugging on her hand, trying to pull off her wedding ring.

  "What are you doing?" Laura pulled her hand away.

  "That ring is bad luck. I'm trying to help you."

  Laura looked down at her wedding ring. "No. I'll keep my ring, thank you."

  Laura rose quickly from the bed to get out of Brilla's reach. "Now get out."

  "There's a big one blowing and it must be untied tonight. I put your mother's robe in the closet. It is time you dressed like a Telkhine." The mambo closed the door as she left.

  After Laura dressed, she looked in the closet. The deep royal purple robe was so familiar. Silver stars danced over the hem and at the edge of the wide sleeves. The garment still smelle
d of jasmine, the fragrance her mother always wore.

  When Laura showed up in the kitchen, Brilla offered her a glass of blood. She took the glass and raised it to her lips. Laura knew she was starting to take on the more ghastly appearance of a vampire. She needed blood desperately. Soon the hunger would overtake her, and she would become a vicious creature. The blood was so close to her lips, when she stopped and put the glass down. Laura couldn't bear the idea of not remembering David.

  This time when Laura went up into the night sky, winds blew like a spiral. Its core was a storm churning out in the gulf. Wind and water boiled around her. As Laura flew into its coil she felt its enormous power, she sang her song, appealing to the mercy of the storm, untying the knots in her hair. It wasn't enough. The storm roared around her unceasingly. Then something pulled her back, and it wasn't Brilla.


  The mambo gestured and spoke strange words over a bubbling mess in the large black cauldron on the beach. Two huge snakes rose out of the pot. Their eyes gleamed like blood-red rubies. They slithered out onto the ground and into the darkness.

  "There you go, my lovelies. Find our enemies and give them peace."

  Laura aimed two bolts at the snakes but invisible shields deflected her efforts.

  Frustrated, she landed on the sand beside Brilla. "What have you done now?"

  "Only rid us of a minor annoyance, that's all, La-la. And what of the storm?"

  "Something's wrong tonight. I could not be part of the storm. I did all that I know to do, and it's still boiling up a brew worse than your pot." Laura sat on the sand.

  "The night is still young," said the mambo, as she stirred the pot. "You can give it another try later."

  "But what if nothing happens?"

  "Don't worry, La-la. Perhaps your powers will be stronger on your home soil."

  But Laura did worry. In her mind, she reached out to her husband to take care. All she heard was humming.