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Microsoft Word - TheStormyLoveLifeofLauraCordelaisSusanCfinal Read online

Page 22

  She giggled.

  Hours later, they were still entwined. Laura was in her bliss, and David dozed, as close to tired as vampires ever get.


  Chapter 24

  Boom! Eosh Tower shook, and David sat up. Boom! Crash! The room jolted violently.

  Quick. Get your clothes on. David turned to her. Laura scrambled to put on her clothes. David put on his black coat, just as an explosion knocked him to his knees and debris fell from the cracking ceiling. He grabbed Laura's hand and rocketed through a skylight.

  The storm dissipated leaving the world its usual gray. Below them, huge and hideous black creatures attacked the tower's outer door.

  David, look!

  He turned. Eosh Tower stood on a peninsula that jetted out into the sea. The Black Palace was directly across on a small island. Its tall, black turrets and walls stared in their direction, its sliver thin windows lit with a wavering gold light. Laura shuddered, and he put an arm securely around her waist.

  We shouldn't be in the open, he thought. Huge black ape creatures broke through Eosh Tower's outer door. Quick! Before they see us. He took her hand, and they rushed into the jungle canopy. Slam! The boughs swatted at them. The branches reached for them. They swirled down to the forest floor.


  I hate this place. Laura shivered.

  David felt even more ill at ease. It wasn't like Laura to hate anything. Me too.

  Laura turned. A black stinging monster tail slammed at them with lightning speed, slicing through ten trees, falling like giant dominos. She leapt, taking David with her. First the tail narrowly missed them. Then the wind from the trees bowled them into the thick green underbrush. Laura came face-to-face with a Mach skull, as she spit out dirt and leaves.

  King Vorin! David growled. You could have said something.

  It was faster to move.

  The creature spotted them. It roared and everything shook.

  Damn. They both looked at each other and leapt into the sky. King Vorin, red fur puffed up around a raging saber tiger face, rushed them with claws extended. David pushed Laura, sending her flying in the opposite direction. She hooked on a gnarled branch and swung around, just as he soared at the beast, cutting upward in the last second. Laura rushed to his aid, when a claw whipped past her hair. She faltered in midair and fell.

  "No," roared David.

  The monster tail swung around and slammed him into the ground.

  A green, grabby bush caught her. Laura fought with fangs and claws, when she turned and saw David sprawled in the dirt. Leaping up, she landed on the beast's furry red back. Her claws dug deep into his skin. Her fiery touch sent the beast squealing. It spun into a whirlwind, leaping, screaming, writhing, and bellowing.

  Laura held on. Too late, she saw the tail rise. Its stinger aimed for her heart.

  Whoosh. David pulled her out of the way, and they tumbled into a huge, 257

  purple bush. For an instant in time, they were safe.

  Oh. She held her chest. I'm buzzing.

  David pulled her close to him. Are you hurt?

  Her fingers settled on the brooch. This is buzzing!

  David lifted the lapel of her robe with the brooch. The fire in the stone hummed and flared. Laura held it in her hand, and her eyes flared like the stone.

  Instantly she knew what to do. Laura jumped into the air. David followed. King Vorin roared and crashed into them, its red mouth stretched wide to devour them.

  Laura pushed the stone into its mouth. David pulled out her hand just before the massive fangs slammed shut.

  The creature burst into flames on top of them, burning hot and blue. David threw himself over Laura. Vines wrapped around their bodies pulling them into the dirt.

  Every muscle in her body ached, as Laura struggled against the vines, twining around her. She felt dizzy. David's face nuzzled her. Then the vines pulled him away.

  They crept so fast over her like a millions hungry fingers. In her head, she heard her mother chanting, "Come, Brother Lightning. Come, Sister Strike." Her fingers sparkled.

  Bolts jetted out of her hands burning vines on contact. Laura jumped out of the dirt then fell on her knees searching for David. Now nearly encased like a mummy, he struggled against the enveloping dirt and clay. One arm reached out of the ground.

  Oh God, I don't want to kill David. How do I get him out?

  "Yeah, it's a twitcher all right." Zak stood beside her, scratching his head. "You two do get in the most interesting fixes."

  "How did you get here?" Laura asked.

  "Just passing through. I thought you could use a hand."


  Laura laughed. "That's an understatement." She walked around and examined the ground. "I'm afraid if I use my lightning, I'll kill David."

  "Hmm. Then don't use it. Use the opposite."


  Zak grinned. Kneeling down on the ground, he tickled the vine that wrapped around David's arm. "Well, help me," he said, looking to Laura.

  She knelt down too and tickled a vine that looked like an offshoot. Within minutes, the ground shook and heaved.

  "Don't stop."

  The vines quivered and twirled out of the ground. Both of them now reached for every vine they could and tickled. The ground trembled and shook. Vines ripped out of the dirt and soared upward in a dance. David emerged like a shoot headed for the sky.

  They both grabbed him and tickled the vines still attached. When he was clear, the vines fell away rolling and twisting across the jungle floor.

  "Everyone can use a good laugh now and then."

  "Thank you." David shook Zak's hand. Then he turned to Laura and hugged her.

  When they turned back, Zak was gone.

  "Where'd he go?" David looked in every direction.

  "I don't know. But that means we should get moving too before something else happens. I'm really feeling like the seashore."

  David kissed her on the forehead. Me too.

  They took cover in the scrub on the edge of the beach to rest. Nothing twined around or grabbed them here. As Laura was about to sit, she examined the patterns in 259

  the sand and after digging for only a few minutes found a small blue snail shell. An intricate sunburst pattern was embedded into its top. She put it in her pocket.

  "We have to come up with a plan." David paced back and forth. "We could fly low over the sea and they may not see us."

  "Remember the creatures we saw through the walls leading up to Eosh Tower."

  Laura stood and dusted off her hands. "And when you attempted to fly over the river to the city, a creature in the fog tried to eat you."

  The beach extended from the tower far to the west. David took her hand and began walking. Then they saw a cloud moving their way and hid in the tall yellow grass.

  The Keres were still overhead, when Laura felt a pinch on her hip. She gasped, and David's hand went over her mouth. The foe flew on without finding them.

  Are you crazy?

  Something pinched me. Laura reached into her pocket and pulled out the shell.

  A tiny multi-armed green animal was squeaking and squawking in complete panic. "Oh, I'm sorry. I didn't realize the shell was occupied." Still holding the blue shell in the palm of her hands even though the creature's shrill voice reached new heights, Laura walked down to the edge of the surf and placed it carefully on the wet sand. It crawled into the water.

  David chuckled softly. Laura took his hand, and they found a place where a thick growth of bushes grew out over the sand. They hollowed out a place for themselves and climbed in out of sight.

  Day and night didn't exist in this awful place, and it was up to them when to take a break. Laura was disappointed. They had made no progress in getting closer to the Black Palace. David hugged her.


  "What would happen if we swam for it?"

  David scratched his head. "I've never swam in the ocean. If salt water destroys Keres, what will it do to us?"<
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  "But you have." Laura took hold of his shirt and moved in closer. "That time you jumped into the East River to save me, you jumped into brackish water. That's it! We can swim for it?"

  "What about the sea creatures?"

  Laura sighed.

  "Let's think about it for a while." David pulled her down on top of him like a blanket. He kissed her and playfully caressed her thigh trying to take her mind off things.

  "Is that all you ever think about?" She teased.

  "Yes." He raised an eyebrow.

  The ground shook, and the sand shifted all around them, but the two remained in their hiding place. Then the shaking stopped.

  David peered out cautiously. A giant blue snail shell stood on the sand. Multiple green legs like fringe stuck out from the bottom of the bright blue inscribed shell as well as a snail face with horns. The black eyes on the ends of the horns spotted the vampire.

  Where is Golden Hair? The mollusk reached out telepathically to David.

  You will not hurt her, David warned.

  I come to see merciful Golden Hair.

  Laura came out from behind David.


  The creature made no advance to her. He merely expressed his thoughts, Golden Hair, thank you for your mercy on a child. If you should need help, we are grateful to give it.

  We do need help. We need to get to the island of the Black Palace.

  Now that I see you, I know what you are, Telkhine. You have kin in the sea.

  I don't understand. Laura tilted her head, confused.

  You are from the line of Dexithea, favored of Zeus. She and her sisters were spared his wrath, when the other Telkhines were transformed into dog-headed demons of the sea. I know when they see you they will help too.

  Thank you. How do we start? This information excited her.

  Walk into the sea.

  The idea was repellent to Laura at first as she thought of the fish that almost ate David, but she took him by the hand and they followed the blue creature into the cold surf. The old part of her balked, as her head went beneath the waves. Her mind struggled with her memories of drowning. She shook violently as she remembered choking for air. David held her close, putting her face against his heavy black coat.

  Are you in pain, Laura?

  No. She trembled. I can't breathe. Panic set in.

  David kissed her for such a long time there was no way she could breathe. You don't have to breathe, my darling. You are undead, remember? You cannot drown.

  Slowly Laura raised her face from his coat. Water flowed in and out of her mouth. The blue snail stopped to wait for her. Creatures like him surrounded them.

  Then the dog-faced ones with the large, sad eyes and long silky ears swam in and out of her view. These were the doomed Telkhines of legend, moving closer each time.


  I'm all right now. She squeezed David's hand.

  Laura and David moved forward through the dark water over crevices and coral beds. Beyond the giant snails and the Telkhines, other sea beings tried to glimpse her.

  A gray eel swam up exposing his needle teeth. She beared her fangs. The sea serpent retreated. The other aquatic animals gave them a wider berth after that. For some reason, Laura thought the sea basin was flat. Mountains, plains, and forests of waving weeds stood in their path. Some David and Laura trudged through. Others the vampires floated over.

  One Telkhine with a black face and long black ears swam up to her. Sister, what trouble brings you here?

  My father is a prisoner of the Keres. I must get him back.

  We will help you.

  But he, said another Telkhine pointing at David, is a Kere, our enemy.

  He is not a Kere. He is my mate.

  Kere blood flows through him, protested the Telkhine. We cannot help him.

  He was bitten, but he is not a Kere. He goes with me. If you will not help him, then don't help me. Laura knew she was taking a hard line, but she wouldn't be separated from David again for any reason. If the Telkhines refused to help, they would have to go on without them.

  The Telkhine swam away. Minutes later, many Telkhines returned. We will help him too.

  David helped Laura climb over a reef with its sharp appendages on their approach to the island. With her feet now brushing over sand, she could feel the difference in the water pressure, as the sea around them grew progressively shallower.


  Fear gripped Laura like a vice, as they approached the last vestige of water that was deep enough to shield them from sight. A Telkhine army floated around her and David.

  Laura closed her eyes, trying to grasp some idea that could help them find her father. Then she began to sing. The song sounded strange underwater, high and twisted in its sound. She tied knots in her long blonde hair, which waved like dancing seaweed.

  The water around them twirled then spun until it grew. A great spout rushed up the beach. Hurricane winds blew over the castle walls, bringing with it a sea surge. The funnel sucked up every Kere in its path.

  Under the cover of the twister's fury, they planned to dash up the beach and through the front gate.

  No, thought the Telkhine with the white face and prominent black nose. There is another way. He grabbed David and Laura by the hand and swam hard taking them back out. Then he led them around to an inlet and through a watery, muddy maze. It is an old way into the castle created as an escape route by those that built it.

  The Keres didn't build this place?

  No. Those that built it have been forgotten. Here. Laura, then David, climbed out onto the broken dock, but the Telkhine remained in the water.

  We are bound to the sea. We cannot go further. The Telkhine sank into the water and disappeared.

  "What now?" Several gray stone archways led off in many directions.

  David peered down each. "I don't really know. This one?"

  Keeping together, the two floated through one arch up a crumbling stone stairway into the darkness. The way ahead twisted and turned in the gloom. Something shimmered. When Laura blinked it was gone. They turned at a bend in the stair.


  Chapter 25

  A tall, statuesque blonde woman stood wearing only the thinnest black veil across her buxom and obviously robust body. She leered at them showing vampire fangs. Her brown eyes glinted with fire.

  David gasped, moving his wife behind him.

  "David, this is a surprise." The woman floated down to them.

  Laura could feel her husband's fear.

  "Why, Daphne, how nice to see you." Run, warned David. They soared down the stairs and right into Keres. Changing course, they flew upward, and Keres leapt on them. Laura roared. David had taught her to hunt. She grabbed for Daphne by the claw and swung her into a wall, which collapsed. Bellowing like a typhoon, Laura kicked Kere after Kere into each other. She ripped apart throats, tore off heads. Pulling the unicorn's horn from its sheath, she stabbed one Kere after another into oblivion. Her blinding speed eluded their superior strength.

  "Stop, vampiress, unless you want me to take off his head. You can spin your storm, but it will be too late for him."


  Laura looked up. Keres held David suspended, pulling on his arms and legs, his body and face horribly slashed. Daphne leaned over him, talons against his neck. She licked his dripping blood like a child enjoying a melting ice cream cone.

  Laura growled with fury. Beyond the walls, the winds howled with her rage.

  Keres hovered a safe distance from Laura's reach.

  "It seems, little fluff, I have something you want." Daphne laughed and turned to David. She kissed him, slowly, seductively. "Oh, how I miss him. But don't mistake me.

  I'm not sentimental. I can destroy him so easily. Well, vampiress?"

  Fight her, David urged.

  Laura could tell Daphne meant it. "What do you want?"

  Daphne laughed. Her dark, menacing tone unnerved Laura. "Come quietly and it will go better for you."
  The vamp couldn't be believed, but what choice did she have. The bitch thought nothing of destroying David. Laura sheathed the unicorn's horn and floated down to a step. The Keres surrounded her more closely, but still wouldn't touch her.

  The entire time they were led through the tunnels, a Kere held a talon to David's throat. Daphne stayed close to Laura. At one point, she reached to take the unicorn's horn necklace but quickly moved her claw back.

  In seeing this, Laura reasoned that perhaps a Kere could not touch the horn or the leather that bound it.

  He hasn't told you about me, has he?

  Laura was surprised that Daphne invaded her mind but ignored her.

  We were lovers for several years. Then her mind talk switched to David, but Laura had the benefit of listening. Remember the good times we used to have, David.


  Just looking at you brings it all back. The shackles. The whips. Oooh, it makes me shiver, lover.

  Daphne's vivid remembrances included graphic visual scenes of David tied spread-eagle over a bed being whipped and then of him whipping Daphne and pleasuring her in return. Laura tried to block the Kere's thoughts. They hurt. They made her angry. How could David be so . . . so . . . Daphne laughed. Oh, he was such an inventive lover, always stimulating, if you know what I mean. And a good hunter too. We always had a live one in the rumpus room for a late night snack.

  The Keres led Laura and David into a dark, damp place. Laura recognized the carved out, black stone hollows from her dream. Her eyes pierced the shadows looking for her father, but all the cells were empty. They opened a dark metal grate door.

  "Get in. Both of you."

  David and Laura walked into the stone hollow, like a mouth of sharp teeth gaping wide to accept them. Their cell door locked.

  Laura turned her back on the cell door. Daphne howled her joy. "I believe your companion has a few choice words for you, David."