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Microsoft Word - TheStormyLoveLifeofLauraCordelaisSusanCfinal Page 31

  "David, I will love you forever," she said aloud. I've tried to think of more to say, but everything about you leaves me speechless.

  David grinned. "I will love you for all eternity, Laura. But eternity will never be long enough for us." He swept her up, and his lips possessed her with a ravenous appetite.

  A door opened. They could feel the wind. "What's all this?" whined a loud, irritating voice from another Goth vampire. Every face turned in irritation.

  "Hush," scolded Catalina. "We're having a wedding."

  The young male vampire shrank into the quiet crowd.

  "Now the ring, please," Mama Joe continued.

  The ring? asked Laura.


  "Wait a minute." David reached into his pocket and pulled out a plain gold band.

  Laura looked at it and then at her father. He had given his ring to David. "Your Dad told me that a husband should wear a ring too, and I agree with him."

  Laura ran to her father and hugged him. Brushing happy tears off her face, she rejoined David and after a shaky attempt managed to put the ring on his finger.

  "Ah," nodded Mama Joe. "A ring has been given as a symbol of their love. The circle has been a symbol of life since the beginning. It represents an eternity of love, and I can't think of a more appropriate symbol for these two. But remember, Children, what goes around, comes around. In other words, you do evil and sooner or later it will come back to bite you in the . . ."

  Laura cleared her throat. The crowd tittered.

  Mama Joe resumed, "Try to give only good. Consider all things with love first."

  She gazed over the crowd and then back at David and Laura. "Be guided by divine wisdom. In times of sorrow, hold on tightly to each other. In times of joy, hold on tightly to each other." She grew very stern-faced. "Now I have to say the part asking if anyone objects, but nobody better. Is that clear?"

  No one dared.

  After a moment, Mama Joe shouted, "Good! In the presence of this company and with the authority of the state of Louisiana, I pronounce David William Hilliard and Laura Dexithea Cordelais to be husband and wife. May your eternity together be blessed."

  People applauded. David took Laura into his arms and kissed her again. This time she surprised him, when her tongue pushed open his mouth and rubbed a fang.

  His eyes opened wide, and a moan escaped his lips.


  Not yet, my darling. She giggled mischievously.

  The fiddler played and the dancing began.

  David swept Laura across the dance floor, holding her against him and floating just above the floor. They kissed and twirled around. His kisses became more frantic.

  Their dance slowed into a cuddle.

  Whenever anyone tried to cut in, David growled and whirled Laura away from them. She laughed, enjoying his intense attention. Then someone tapped David on the shoulder.

  It was Donovan. "May I dance with my daughter?"

  David smiled and moved aside for him. Laura hugged her father, and they waltzed.

  "Are you happy?" asked Donovan.

  Laura grinned. Her fangs were showing. "Yes."

  "David truly loves you, you know. He'd do anything for you."

  "I know, Papa." She laughed and kissed her father on the cheek.

  Donovan laughed. "You're just as beautiful as your mother on her wedding day."

  It was such an odd sensation for Laura to have her feet sashaying against the wooden floorboards.

  "I saw her," whispered Laura.

  "You did?" he asked, clearly flustered.

  "She's beautiful and happy. She said to tell you that she will always love you."

  Donovan looked like he might cry. "She forgave me."

  "Papa, there wasn't anything to forgive."

  David tapped him on the shoulder. "May I dance with my wife?"


  Donovan stepped aside this time.

  David took Laura into his arms. With the soaring music, they floated to the rafters and hovered near the flickering light of the antique chandeliers. As the party became louder and more boisterous, David swung her up and over the banister on the second floor.

  "Come." He led her to their former bedroom in Marchon's house and opened the door. White lilacs were in a vase on the nightstand, and vanilla candles were lit strategically around the room. Laura knew her husband's handiwork when she saw it.


  "Almost." He lifted her into his arms, carrying her inside, and slammed the door shut. Then he reached behind him and locked the door. "Now it's lovely."

  "Why did you do that?" She looked up into his grinning face.

  "I don't want any more disturbances. No voodoo mambos. Nothing."

  Laura giggled, as he placed her on the soft white bed and then lay on top of her, blanketing her. The sudden pressure of his body on hers mixed with gazing into his impossibly dark eyes sent shivers up and down her spine.

  "You belong to me," he breathed.

  Laura gulped. She had been very used to David, but now he was taking their relationship to a new level. It made her very nervous. "No. I belong to me, and you belong to you. We are independent but choose to be together."

  He shook his head no. Then he caressed the side of her face with his hand showing the wedding ring. "This ring says that I belong to you, and I accept that. I want to belong to you." His lips brushed hers. In his mind, he said, Well? and then waited for her response.


  The bed was as soft as she remembered. His arms lay against hers pinning them down. She tried to move, and he shook his head again. I deserve the same level of commitment, don't you think?

  He kissed her tenderly. First her eyes, her cheeks, her nose, her lips. His mouth barely touched hers. Then he captured her lips with small kisses, some barely touching, some with his tongue pushing through her lips and stroking her fangs.

  Her body trembled in response. "Yes, I belong to you." A breath later, she added,


  His eyes lit up. You and I are entwined. We breathe for each other. I need you, Laura, now.

  He worked his way down her neck brushing his fangs against the place where he had bitten her. She shivered in delight but only partly. Her mind remembered the pain.

  He stopped, and she gazed up into his tormented eyes. "I'm sorry."

  She smiled and shook her head. "You have nothing to be sorry for."

  "I'm sorry for killing you with the unicorn's horn. And I'm sorry for biting you, when I promised I never would again." He held his body off hers, as if he felt undeserving of her love.

  Suddenly feeling cold, she grew scared of what it would be like without him.

  Laura reached up to him and pulled him against her. "Listen to me. That's in the past, and God knows we have a lot in our pasts."

  They both laughed.

  "I did try to mesmerize you when we were in the portal before I bit you, but your mind was too strong. I never wanted you to know the horror of . . ."


  Her lips pressed against him to cut off the words. Each time he moved apart to try to speak, she kissed him until he forgot about explaining and got back into the mood of their wedding night. His hands reached around to the back of her gown. After his fingers fiddled hopelessly with the zipper, David laughed and shook his head. "My darling, this isn't going to work this way."

  Laura giggled and slid out from under him. Standing beside the bed, she undid the rest of the zipper and the lace gown slipped to the floor. She stood there naked except for the unicorn's horn in its sheath around her neck. Then she picked up her gown and laid it carefully on a chair.

  "Oh, bad girl, Mrs. Hilliard," said David slyly. "You wore no underwear under your wedding gown."

  In seconds, he stripped off his jacket, tie, vest, shirt, and trousers.

  "Why, Mr. Hilliard, neither did you."

  He pulled back the covers and getting cozy reached out to her in invitation. She hopped in and rubbed against him. H
e kissed her, his tongue caressing her fangs. Then his mouth moved down over her body inch by inch by inch sending her into a desperate frenzy of need. He lingered at each breast, lavishing each nipple with his tongue. She kneaded the muscles in his back. His hands deliciously caressed her every curve before disappearing between her legs.

  "Oh," she groaned. His fingers deep caressed her nub into helplessness.

  Then he lifted her just enough, so he could plunge into her. Her hands stroked his back muscles encouraging him to deepen his exploration of her. He did and she moaned. She chewed on his ear. With his every push, she pushed against him. Her heart fluttered wildly.


  "David," she gasped. Then the white-hot explosion came, and they collapsed.

  Teetering on the edge, she did not go over into the bliss.

  They stayed connected. Though breathless, Laura rested her head on his shoulder. He lay comfortably against her softness and exhaled his satisfaction. Then he whispered, "Do you want to go to sleep? The sun's almost up."

  "Like this?"

  "I can't think of a better way to sleep than to be inside you. You're my Laura, and no one will ever take you from me again."

  Laura laughed. "You're my David." She sighed as she thought of Michelangelo's statue "David." If she hadn't known his age, she would have thought David had posed for the artist. Perhaps when they returned to New York, she would paint a new series of paintings only this time nudes of him. "I'm not really tired."

  "Well, then." He moved to get behind her; his arms hugged her to him. The soft hair on his chest brushed her back.

  Laura shivered involuntarily.

  He kissed her shoulder. "Laura, I know what happened."

  "What do you mean?" She had started to shake.

  "The Keres took great satisfaction in telling me while I was being tortured. I know and I hate him for doing that to you."

  She whimpered. "I'm all right, really. I'm sorry I couldn't tell you. I usually tell you everything."

  "I know."

  "I didn't want you to rage at him and get killed."


  "I know." He kissed her neck. "You're a very brave woman. When I asked God for someone to save me from my eternal loneliness, I had no idea I'd receive such a gift."

  Tears silently streamed down her face.

  "The monster's dead now, my darling, and it's time that you reclaim what's yours.

  I don't want a memory of fear to deprive you of what you enjoy." His hands rubbed her back going down slowly, soothingly. His lips followed tenderly kissing every spot he had touched.

  Laura looked over her shoulder at him. He moved his mouth upward again though his fingers kneaded her lower back and found their way lower until they were exploring between her legs. Her heart raced at his wet touch.

  She turned toward him, rolling on her back.

  He gazed lovingly down on her as he leaned on his side. His fingers continued their little dance reaching inside her. "I won't make you do anything you don't want to.

  But I think you have to get past this for your own sake. If it's not working, you can tell me to stop." He kissed her stomach. "I'm your husband. You know you can depend on me."

  When she looked into his dark eyes, she found only love there. Laura smiled and closed her eyes. He moved her back on her side, so he was once more behind her. His hands settled over her breasts in a gentle fondle.

  "You decide," he breathed in her ear.

  "Yes," she whispered.

  "Yes, you agree that you decide or yes, you want me?"

  Laura giggled. "Yes." She giggled again and couldn't stop.

  He chewed on her shoulder. "Stop that. Now you're making fun of me."


  She squelched her giggling, and one of his hands moved from the curve of her breasts to her hips.

  "Yes," she whispered. "I want you, David." She took his other hand and put his finger in her mouth, playfully sucking on it.

  He moaned and moved her ever closer, rubbing against her until she cried out her need. Then he went deep into her. Laura heaved a big sigh of relief, and the fear that trapped her dissipated. She felt only David's fierce, unending love pounding through her body like blood rushing. She pressed back against him but otherwise melting as he moved like a tide through her. Always he held her, not tightly, but securely. And that's how she felt. She was safe in his arms. His passion ignited a fire within her. Their movements not stopping grew fiercer. The heat pooling within her screamed out for release. Then she passed into an ecstasy, unconscious to the world and only aware of his touch.

  When Laura finally opened her eyes, she was on her back with David leaning over her.

  He looked worried. "You okay?"

  Her smile was full of mischief. "You know I'm just not sure. I think we're going to have to try that a couple more times."

  "Oh, really. You're very lucky I'm immortal. A mortal man would pale under that challenge."

  She laughed and reached up tenderly pulling on the dark curls of his hair. "I know I'm lucky. I made a wish once to be happy, and I am. I really am."

  He kissed her.

  Ah, to spend endless days like this, thought Laura.


  David chuckled. He had heard her. We will.

  She purred and moved on top of him. It's time I was in charge.

  He closed his eyes and smiled. Oh, you only think you're in charge.


  Chapter 32

  A week later

  David and Laura walked hand-in-hand down the starry street in Savannah. A festival atmosphere filled the waterfront with people, music, and food cooking—its fragrance pouring over the street.

  "I'm hungry," she said.

  "No, you're not. Remember you can have only a taste."

  "I know."

  They stopped at an ice cream shop and bought a cone. One cone to share. Laura took a lick of the wonderful cold chocolate. It dripped down her tongue. David took a lick.

  "I wish I could have another taste."

  David narrowed his eyes at her. "Haven't you learned anything yet about wishing?"

  "Just one more lick." Her lips pleaded, but her eyes were filled with mischief.

  He tossed the still heaping cone into a rubbish barrel.

  "Why did you do that?"

  "I've decided not to eat human food again, until my beloved can."


  Laura smiled. This honeymoon was perfect. They had spent days and nights in bed before venturing out into the city. Here as the sea breezes blended with the scent of Southern cooking, Laura's thoughts drifted back to the tearful goodbyes in New Orleans.

  She had gone with her father to place a single red rose on her mother's crypt. He would come to New York to be with them for Christmas, but in the meantime he was staying in New Orleans to help rebuild. Mama Joe released David from his promise. She decided that if she had a chance to see the beautiful afterlife Laura had seen, she'd take it. The saxophone was playing when they hugged and kissed goodbye and then drifted off into the night sky.

  Nibbling on her neck brought her back to the moment. "What are you doing thinking of something other than me on our honeymoon?" breathed David. "I think we should go back to the room."

  "Please, not just yet. I've never been to Savannah before."

  "Oh, all right." He feigned his disappointment then smiled.

  A Dixieland band down the street began to play, and David twirled her around.

  She laughed. It felt so good to be this happy. Jazz wafted out of a bar, as they passed.

  Laura peeked through the open door and spotted a tall, lanky blond man sitting on a stool at the bar chatting with a young female vampire. Laura pulled David inside with her.

  "Well, if it isn't Thomas Barrie."

  Thomas turned on the stool. His next victim left.



  She took the vacated stool on one side and David sat on the other. "Thomas, this is my husband Da
vid Hilliard." Turning to David, she added, "You remember, David, Thomas is a unicorn."

  David nodded and Thomas avoided eye contact with the vampire.

  "You know it's a funny thing. Somehow I was under the impression that a unicorn without his horn couldn't transform into a human."

  Thomas nervously took a swig of his drink.

  "Jimmy," said David to the bartender, "we'll be having our drinks in a booth."

  The bartender nodded. David grabbed Thomas and pushed him into a booth. He sat down blocking any escape, and Laura sat opposite them.

  Trapped on the inside, sweat beaded on Thomas's face. His fright was evident.

  "Do you want to tell my wife what happens when a unicorn breaks his horn?"

  "A new one grows in its place?" squeaked Thomas.

  "Yeah, I figured that. A new one grows in its place, and the unicorn is back in business trying to lure newbie female vamps." David growled low and menacingly. His eyes narrowed in anger. Thomas shook visibly.

  "The next time I catch you talking to a vampire, I will rip off a part of your body that doesn't grow back!"

  Thomas blanched.

  "Do we have an understanding?"

  Thomas nodded.

  David moved off the seat, and Thomas rushed past him and out of the bar. With that out of the way, David joined his wife on the other side of the booth. He slipped his arm around her waist and pulled her close.


  "You're so sexy when you're being protective." Her hand settled on his knee.

  "I'm glad you think so, Mrs. Hilliard." His lips pressed against hers in one swift movement. His hand caressed the side of her face.

  When they came up for air, a plain black bottle and two wine glasses were set in front of them.

  "Compliments of the house, Mr. Hilliard, on your marriage."

  "Thank you, Jimmy." The bartender flashed a fangy smile and left.